Algebraic and Geometric Complexity Theory Reading/Discussion Group
Past talks
2018-12-11: Amir Yehudayoff, Proof complexity
2018-11-27: Nutan Limaye, Waring rank of monomials
2018-11-13: Vishwas Bhargava, Deterministic Factorization of Sparse Polynomials of Bounded Individual Degree
2018-10-23: Christian Ikenmeyer, Young flattenings
2018-10-09: Eric Allender, Dual VP classes
2018-10-02: Christian Ikenmeyer, No occurrence obstructions in geometric complexity theory
2018-09-25: Mrinal Kumar, Generalized matrix completion and algebraic natural proofs
2018-09-07: Mrinal Kumar, On top fan-in vs formal degree for depth-3 arithmetic circuits
2018-09-04: Christian Ikenmeyer, Introduction to the representation theory of the general linear group
Bhargava, Saraf, Volkovich, 2018, Deterministic Factorization of Sparse Polynomials with Bounded Individual Degree
Allender, Gal, Mertz, 2014, Dual VP classes
Bürgisser, Ikenmeyer, Panova, 2016, No occurrence obstructions in geometric complexity theory
Kumar, 2018, On top fan-in vs formal degree for depth-3 arithmetic circuits
Efremenko, Garg, Oliveira, Wigderson, 2017, Barriers for Rank Methods in Arithmetic Complexity
Efremenko, Landsberg, Schenck, Weyman, 2016, The method of shifted partial derivatives cannot separate the permanent from the determinant
Oeding, 2016, Border ranks of monomials
Bläser, Ikenmeyer, Jindal, Lysikov, 2018, Generalized Matrix Completion and Algebraic Natural Proofs
Introductions to the representation theory of the general linear group are for example given here:
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